Rosary Books
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Option #2
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epub = Supported by many apps and devices (e.g., Apple Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Kobo, Google Play, etc.)
mobi = For Amazon Kindle apps and devices
lrf = A format for older Sony Reader devices
PDF = A fixed format good for printing

epub = Supported by many apps and devices (e.g., Apple Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Kobo, Google Play, etc.)
mobi = For Amazon Kindle apps and devices
lrf = A format for older Sony Reader devices
PDF = A fixed format good for printing

epub = Supported by many apps and devices (e.g., Apple Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Kobo, Google Play, etc.)
mobi = For Amazon Kindle apps and devices
lrf = A format for older Sony Reader devices
PDF = A fixed format good for printing

epub = Supported by many apps and devices (e.g., Apple Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Kobo, Google Play, etc.)
mobi = For Amazon Kindle apps and devices
lrf = A format for older Sony Reader devices
PDF = A fixed format good for printing

epub = Supported by many apps and devices (e.g., Apple Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Kobo, Google Play, etc.)
mobi = For Amazon Kindle apps and devices
lrf = A format for older Sony Reader devices
PDF = A fixed format good for printing

epub = Supported by many apps and devices (e.g., Apple Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Kobo, Google Play, etc.)
mobi = For Amazon Kindle apps and devices
lrf = A format for older Sony Reader devices
PDF = A fixed format good for printing